Science 科学
STEM Endeavors
STEM Workshop led by Dr Tan Aik Ling (National Institute of Education)
Since 2022, the Science Department has embarked on our journey to spearhead STEM related activities in the school for both staff and students. We had the privilege of attending a STEM workshop conducted by the eminent Dr Tan Aik Ling from the National Institute of Education in March this year. Dr Tan demonstrated, using an engaging activity in which participants designed a kitchen device for the visually impaired, how the Science curriculum can be infused with STEM activities to engender engagement in real world issues, multiple perspectives through role play as well as an appreciation for how STEM is a part of everyday living.

Science teachers listening attentively to Dr Tan Aik Ling
STEM Playground Challenge organized by CPDD, Science Centre and The James Dyson Foundation
STEM Playground Challenge 2023 is jointly organised by Curriculum Planning and Development Division (CPDD), Science Centre Singapore and The James Dyson Foundation. The main objective of this competition is to encourage students’ curiosity, creativity and interest through innovation in STEM challenges. The challenges also develop school spirit alongside 21st Century Competencies in our students. Our Secondary one and two students did the school proud by clinching the top spot as the Champion school in STEM Playground Challenge 1 “CanBridge Hold’Em” held in semester one. In STEM Playground 2023 Challenge 2, “Sea-Rious” held in semester two, we won the Second Prize. As a recognition of our stellar performance in the STEM challenge activities, thirty students and two staff were invited to participate in the James Dyson Foundation Prototyping workshop.The workshop challenges students to think like engineers – and to turn their ideas into working prototypes.The school will endeavor to facilitate our students’ journey in exploring STEM activities with passion and curiosity.

Students collaborating to complete STEM Playground Challenge 1
Enrichment Activities
Our students were offered opportunities to take part in many external competitions to stretch their abilities. Some highlights include;
C.B. Paul Memorial Science Quiz by ACJC
3 Gold, 2 Silver
Singapore Junior Biology Olympiad (SJBO)
1 Gold, 4 Silver and 5 Bronze
Singapore Junior Physics Olympiad (SJPO)
1 Silver and 5 Bronze
Singapore Junior Chemistry Olympiad (SJChO)
1 Silver, 3 Bronze
The Singapore International STEM Innovation Challenge 2023
Bronze Award
Vanda International Science Competition
4 Gold, 8 Silvers and 16 Bronze