Positive Education
As part of the quest to equip our students with new skills to flourish in the 21st century, Positive Education was introduced as an approach that blends academic learning with character and well-being. Based on the understanding of the key domains of Positive Education, programmes were developed to prepare our students with life skills such as gratitude, grit, resilience and adopting the Growth Mindset in their lives.

Character Strengths

Character strengths are basic building blocks of a flourishing life and pathways to one’s wellbeing. Character strengths underpin Positive Education as they are important pathways to flourishing across the 6 domains of the model of Positive Education. Developing an understanding of one’s character strengths and using them in a variety of different ways builds confidence and competence in individuals.
Link for further readings and the VIA Character Strengths Survey www.viacharacter.org.
Building a Growth Mindset
The two basic mindsets that shape our lives:

Read more about it here: Fixed vs Growth Mindset.docx

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck
The Strength Switch by Lea Waters
Learning How to Learn by Barbara Oakley and Terrence Sejnowski
How Children Succeed by Paul Tough
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth