Cyber Wellness
In Nan Hua, we are guided by the MOE’s framework to develop the students’ instinct to take care of their own well-being online and provide opportunities for the advocacy of ethical and responsible behaviours in the cyber space.
Core programmes such as assembly talks, Wellness Week, Character and Citizenship Education lessons serve to heighten students’ awareness of cyber wellness issues, providing opportunities for students to discuss about the moral implications. Cyber wellness Champions provide peer support and advocate positive use of technology through positive peer influence by harnessing technology for collaboration, learning and productivity.
Parents play a key role in their children’s growth. Students benefit the most when the home and school environments are attuned to each other. To help your child stay safe and have positive experiences online, you can:
Activate parental controls on your home devices.
Model good digital habits for your child.
Set ground rules for internet use.
Navigate the internet together to understand their usage.
Resources for Parents
Parent Kit - Cyber wellness for your child
Parent Kit - Supporting your child during full home-based learning
Parents, we need to look up from our phones. Here's why and how - Article