SAP Flagship 特选旗舰计划
SAP @ Nan Hua: Chinese Culture and Bicultural Studies Programme
The SAP Flagship Programme is a key initiative of MOE to support each SAP school in developing a bi-cultural programme that enhances each school’s identity and exposes students to an enriched and holistic experience in the learning of both languages and cross-cultural appreciation. Nan Hua High School (NHHS)’s Flagship Programme — “SAP@Nan Hua: Chinese Culture and Bicultural Studies Programme”, focuses not only on values and culture education that is essential in the inculcation of SAP ethos, but also on the practical life skills that allow SAP students to have a comparative advantage and stand out amongst the rest as they step into a globally-connected world and contribute to a multi-faceted Singapore society with a global outlook. Thus, the theme of our flagship programme is “Relishing traditional culture, Embracing Modern Outlook”.
The flagship programme comprises two elements and five key components. For the elements of classical thoughts and culture, it will be supported by “Appreciation of Chinese Culture (ACC)” and “Confucian Ethics (CE)”. For the element of contemporary life skills and spirit of modernisation. It will be supported by the “Translation and Interpretation (T&I)” and “Contemporary China Studies (CCS)” and “Bicultural Studies Programme (BS)”. This provides a holistic curriculum encompassing both sound knowledge as well as practical life skills.
Appreciation of Chinese Culture The Appreciation of Chinese Culture (ACC) is a two-year programme that spans over the lower secondary levels. Each level will have one period of ACC weekly (55 mins). The school uses its own school-based curriculum with various topics on Chinese cultural knowledge. Besides knowledge-based content, there are also specific hands-on skills for students to learn and pick up. For example, Sec One students learn Chinese calligraphy and Chinese painting, while Sec Two students pick up clay sculpture and seal engraving. There is also the learning journey component in which students are exposed to various cultural elements such as the appreciation of Chinese tea culture in tea-houses and the appreciation of Chinese contemporary drama.
Confucian Ethics The teaching of Confucian Ethics (CE) was conducted for all Sec One students, undergoing 1 period of CE weekly (55 mins) for a term. The school designs its own school-based curriculum with particular emphasis on the school’s mission (3Cs) and eight school values. There is also conscious effort in infusing elements of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) as part of values education. It will also be leveraging on MOE’s CE resource package. The curriculum will not be focusing solely on values education, but also the application of Confucian philosophy in a contemporary context. Reference and comparative studies will also be made as far as possible with other schools of thoughts and universal values in both the Eastern and Western world.
Translation and Interpretation The Translation and Interpretation (T&I) module is implemented at Sec Two Level. Students will have one period of (T&I) weekly (55 mins) for a term. School-based curriculum is adopted. Besides the introduction of basic translation and interpretation principles, the module will focus on practical lifeskills such as translation of bilingual speeches, interpretation skills, translation of local context and terms, and the translation of school materials such as school website and school publication. Students are also placed in simulated situations where they adopt the role of interpreters during a live speech. From such learning experiences, students would understand the practicality of translator and interpretation in various jobs.
Contemporary China Studies The Contemporary China Studies (CCS) Programme is being introduced at Sec Three Level as a ten-week programme. Students will have one period of (CCS) weekly (55 mins) for a term. China’s ascendance in the world economy is one of the most prominent events in the late 20th and 21st centuries. This began with the introduction of reform and opening-up policies in the late 1970s, which resulted in massive restructuring of the society and economy. These prominent transformations would be the main discussion themes of the programme. Special emphasis is put on the societal changes and impacts. Besides classroom teaching, the programme would be enhanced with International Immersion Programme (IIP) that provides an opportunity for students to travel to various parts of China to augment their bi-cultural perspective. Learning points linked to Contemporary China would be incorporated and accentuated.
Bicultural Studies Bicultural Studies is implemented for Sec 2 students as a ten-week programme. In alignment with the 21st Century competencies and student outcomes framework, there is a need for greater emphasis in global awareness and cross-cultural skills. The programme seeks to create an engaging environment for them to learn and compare various aspects of the Chinese and Western culture in the literary contexts of Language and Literature. We would be focusing on nuances and aesthetics features of both Chinese and English languages and literary works would be analysed and discussed during the lessons. Students would especially be comparing and contrasting Chinese and English aspects of Literature.
2022 年儒学营
5月30日、31日,我校在经历两年疫情之后,终于以实体活动形式进行了第九届儒学研习营暨德育工作坊。今年的主题是“ 博学于文,约之以礼”,意谓君子广泛地学习文化知识,再用礼来约束自己。我校有幸邀请到台湾鹅湖月刊社刘宣妘老师和黄爱智老师担任主讲嘉宾,为72位中一学生讲解儒家思想。
黄爱智老师演讲主题为 :“孔子的压箱宝”,让同学们了解孔子的哲学思想与待人处事之道。而刘宣妘老师则通过演讲“文+质+彬彬=?”,向同学们传达了如何成为文质彬彬的君子之道。学生们还通过欣赏电影《孔子》学习儒家思想的精髓。而古琴鉴赏课和射击活动,让同学们感受古代君子文武双全的概念。
2022 柔情写诗 缜密破案 ── 双文化周活动
2021 双文化营
我们非常荣幸能邀请到作家林道锦先生和诗人Ms Janelle Tan,与同学们分享旅游和旅居国外的经历以及写作的一些技巧。另外,我校也把往年年末举办的“台湾书香及环境教育浸濡计划”的行程搬到了线上。同学们通过远在台湾的导游和解说员的摄像镜头,饱览了台湾的风光美景,也首次通过视讯的方式和北新国中的师生线上交流,共同讨论课题。
激发学习热忱 了解华族文化 ── 特选中学学术幼苗计划