CnME Programme
CnME 全能育才课程
Background of CnME
Established in 2012, CnME (pronounced as see-and-me) is a holistic life-skills development programme for all Secondary One to Secondary Three Nanhuarians. The ‘C’ refers to our school mission: Confident, Cultured and Creative. The ‘n’ refers to our school niche areas in Environment Education, Performing Arts and SAP. The ‘ME’ refers to the Nanhuarian developing their competencies in MOE 21st Century Competencies, Leadership and ICT skills.
CnME: A Fortified Lifestyle 2023
CnME starts with Oral Communications programmes in Secondary One and culminates in the Secondary Three CnME Modules. CnME aims to inculcate essential life skills in Nanhuarians through the context of our school niche areas to develop their confidence, cultural appreciation and creativity.