Aesthetics 美育
The Aesthetics Department strives to spark curiosity and creativity in students, developing and enhancing their artistic skills through our diverse Arts programmes. We engage in a multimodal world of visual arts, music and dance enrichment lessons conducted during Lower Secondary CnMe lessons. Our Assembly Programme highlights innovative ideas on using sustainable practices to create artworks and instigates the concept of resourcefulness. Lower Secondary students celebrate their learning and enjoy enriching aesthetics programmes through our Annual Arts Appreciation and ArtsFest at the end of the year.
The Lower Secondary Music curriculum utilises well-founded pedagogical
methods to motivate students to achieve instrumental mastery and performance
competency. Secondary 1s learn musical theory through ICT online platforms
and hands-on lessons with musical instruments. An arrangement module, involving
GarageBand on the iPad, allows students to develop their musical abilities.
Secondary 2 students deepened their musical knowledge through the learning
of music from different cultures and genres.
Our Art Programme empowers students to become creative thinkers, problem
solvers and better critiques by using Student Agency, through Gradual Release
of Responsibility and Inquiry-Based Learning approaches. Both Lower and
Upper Art Programme allow students to seek and develop meaning in their
artistic journey and express themselves through different multimodal mediums
and visual art forms, and learn how to be appreciative of other artforms
through Art Critique techniques. In addition, our Annual Arts Appreciation
programme and Artfest provide more opportunities for the students to stretch
their artistic skills through custom-made modules and learning journeys.

Students painting a still life using acrylic paint
The Design & Technology (D&T) unit engages the Sec 2 students through Design Thinking Process as they learn and develop their Student Agency, managing their own projects aiming at improving real-life situations. Students are guided with the Gradual Release of Responsibility (GRR) model that saw them progressing from being inexperienced, to becoming confident and creative in tackling problems and designing functional products. With empathy guiding their hearts, the students strive to create responsibly while making their designs relevant and useful.
Food & Consumer Education lessons place much emphasis on authentic and practical learning experiences through exploration of nutrition and health, such as exploring diet-related diseases and the impact of sustainable consumption on our lives. Students are engaged through Inquiry-Based Learning; they discover and relate food and resource-management topics concepts to real-life situations. Our active use of ICT tools and platforms helps them develop greater literacy in the subject.

Students evaluating food sold at a canteen stall
Albert Einstein once said: “Art is the expression of the profoundest thoughts in the simplest way.” Our Arts programme in Nan Hua High offers a spectrum of opportunities for our students to blossom into open-minded champions of society, raising awareness and soaring positively. We aim to recognise our students’ potential and creativity to the maximum extent for them to acquire the necessary skills to build their own future humbly and confidently.