Vision, Mission, Values 愿景、使命、八大校训
Curious Learners | Cultured Scholars
| Courageous Leaders
乐学善思 | 文质彬彬 | 当仁不让
Vision Elements |
What We Believe In… |
Curious Learners 乐学善思 |
As Curious Learners, Nanhuarians are driven by an inquisitive spirit that embraces the joy of exploration, and a sense of agency to take ownership of our learning for life:
Cultured Scholars 文质彬彬 |
As Cultured Scholars, Nanhuarians embody the spirit of Junzi (君子) in all aspects of our lives:
Courageous Leaders 当仁不让 |
As Courageous Leaders, Nanhuarians demonstrate moral courage and navigate opportunities and challenges with a resolute spirit in all situations.
Nurturing Bicultural Nanhuarians who are Confident, Compassionate and Culturally Versatile with
a Passion for Life.
Mission Elements |
What We Are Committed to… |
南华双文化君子 |
To nurture Nanhuarians in embodying the spirit of Junzi (君子), by embracing Chinese traditions and values as cultural strengths for a healthy sense of identity, while appreciating perspectives across cultures and contexts, to hone critical, adaptive and inventive thinking. |
To nurture Nanhuarians’ holistic growth across domains – social moral
[德], cognitive [智], physical [体], leadership & service [群], and aesthetics
[美] – to develop as:
Positively Purposeful, Resourcefully Buoyant
Compassionate Nanhuarians Selflessly Compassionate, Gratefully Giving
Culturally Versatile Nanhuarians Graciously Humble, Adaptively Agile
Passion for Life 对生活充满热忱 |
To nurture Nanhuarians who possess vibrant energy and positive mindsets to strive for purpose and fulfillment in their pursuits of growth, both in life and in learning for life. |
Our Nan Hua Values and Nanhuarian Dispositions

Strategic Thrusts 发展策略
Bicultural Experiences
Holistic Education
Inclusive Staff
Purposeful Partnerships
忠 Loyalty 尽心爱国的气节
孝 Filial Piety 侍奉父母的德行
仁 Humanity 推己及人的胸襟
爱 Love 发自内心的关怀
礼 Courtesy 谦诚恭敬的态度
义 Righteousness 公正无私的行为
廉 Integrity 清白光明的操守
耻 Sense of Shame 维护尊严的自律