2025 Secondary 1 Admission

Welcome to Nan Hua High School. Click on the link below for the 2025 Secondary 1 posting information.

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2025 Secondary 1 Admission

Welcome to Nan Hua High School. Click on the link below for the 2025 Secondary 1 posting information.

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2025 Secondary 1 Admission

Welcome to Nan Hua High School. Click on the link below for the 2025 Secondary 1 posting information.

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Curious Learners | Cultured Scholars | Courageous Leaders
乐学善思 | 文质彬彬 | 当仁不让

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Curious Learners | Cultured Scholars | Courageous Leaders
乐学善思 | 文质彬彬 | 当仁不让

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Curious Learners | Cultured Scholars | Courageous Leaders
乐学善思 | 文质彬彬 | 当仁不让


Nurturing Bicultural Nanhuarians who are Confident, Compassionate and Culturally Versatile with a Passion for Life.

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Nurturing Bicultural Nanhuarians who are Confident, Compassionate and Culturally Versatile with a Passion for Life.

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Nurturing Bicultural Nanhuarians who are Confident, Compassionate and Culturally Versatile with a Passion for Life.

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忠 Loyalty
孝 Filial Piety
仁 Humanity
爱 Love
礼 Courtesy
义 Righteousness
廉 Integrity
耻 Sense of Shame

our values
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忠 Loyalty
孝 Filial Piety
仁 Humanity
爱 Love
礼 Courtesy
义 Righteousness
廉 Integrity
耻 Sense of Shame

our values
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忠 Loyalty
孝 Filial Piety
仁 Humanity
爱 Love
礼 Courtesy
义 Righteousness
廉 Integrity
耻 Sense of Shame

our values